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Product Description:
The Body Tool Nail White Pencil BT600 is a high-quality cosmetic tool designed to enhance the appearance of nails. This pencil is specifically formulated to create a clean and natural-looking white tip on the nails, giving them a polished and well-manicured look.

> External Use Only: The Body Tool Nail White Pencil BT600 is intended for external use on nails only. Avoid contact with eyes and mouth.
> Not Suitable for Children: This product is not recommended for use by children. Keep it out of reach of children to prevent accidental ingestion or misuse.

> Do Not Use on Damaged Nails: Avoid using the Body Tool Nail White Pencil BT600 on nails that are broken, infected, or injured. Wait until the nails are healed before application.
> Not for Nail Art: While the pencil can enhance the natural white tip of the nails, it is not designed for intricate nail art designs.

> Prep the Nails: Ensure that your nails are clean, dry, and free from any nail polish or oils.
> Sharpen the Pencil: Use a cosmetic sharpener to achieve a fine point for precise application.
> Apply the Pencil: Gently glide the pencil along the tips of your nails, starting from one side to the other. Repeat until you achieve the desired level of whiteness.
> Smoothen and Blend: To achieve a natural look, lightly smudge and blend the pencil strokes using a clean brush or sponge.
> Seal with Top Coat: Once the desired effect is achieved, seal the nails with a clear top coat for long-lasting results.

* Avoid Eye Contact: Keep the Body Tool Nail White Pencil BT600 away from the eyes. In case of accidental contact, rinse thoroughly with water and seek medical attention if irritation persists.
* Discontinue Use if Irritation Occurs: If you experience any discomfort, redness, or irritation while using the product, discontinue use immediately and consult a healthcare professional.
* Store Properly: Keep the pencil in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.

> Patch Test: Before using the pencil for the first time, perform a patch test on a small area of your nail to check for any adverse reactions or allergies.
> Avoid Excessive Pressure: Apply gentle pressure when using the pencil to prevent damage to the nails.

The Body Tool Nail White Pencil BT600 is a product manufactured by a reputable brand known for its high-quality cosmetic tools and beauty products.

The Body Tool Nail White Pencil BT600 is ideal for individuals who want to achieve a natural-looking white tip on their nails. It is suitable for both personal and professional use.

Product Name: Body Tool Nail White Pencil BT600
Color: White
Packaging: Pencil form
Quantity: Single pencil
Ingredients: Please refer to the packaging for the list of ingredients.
Net Weight: Please refer to the packaging for the net weight information.
Shelf Life: Please refer to the packaging for the expiration date.