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SKU: 23038 Category:

Product Description:
The Knee Orthosis TE-1045 No 467 is a specialized orthopedic device designed to provide support and stability to the knee joint. It is commonly used for therapeutic purposes, post-injury rehabilitation, and in cases of chronic knee conditions. The orthosis is meticulously crafted to ensure a comfortable fit and enhance mobility while offering the necessary protection to the knee.

1. This knee orthosis should not be used without the guidance or recommendation of a healthcare professional.
2. It is not suitable for individuals with skin allergies or sensitivities to the materials used in its construction.
3. Patients with severe circulatory disorders or compromised blood flow should avoid using this orthosis.

1. Consult with a healthcare professional before using the knee orthosis to determine if it is appropriate for your specific condition or injury.
2. Properly measure your leg and select the correct size for a comfortable fit and optimal support.
3. Ensure the orthosis is properly adjusted and secured to prevent slippage or discomfort during use.
4. Follow the recommended wearing schedule and do not exceed the prescribed duration of use.
5. Regularly inspect the orthosis for any signs of wear or damage and discontinue use if any issues are detected.
6. Avoid activities that may put excessive stress or strain on the knee joint while wearing the orthosis.

1. This knee orthosis is not intended to replace professional medical treatment or surgical interventions. It is a supportive device that should be used under medical supervision.
2. Discontinue use and seek medical attention if you experience increased pain, numbness, tingling, or any other unusual sensations while wearing the orthosis.
3. Do not modify or alter the orthosis without consulting a healthcare professional.
4. Keep the orthosis away from direct heat sources, sharp objects, or abrasive surfaces to prevent damage.

1. The knee orthosis should not be used by children without the guidance and approval of a healthcare professional.
2. Individuals with open wounds, infections, or severe inflammation in the knee area should avoid using this orthosis until the condition improves.
3. Pregnant individuals or those with underlying medical conditions should consult a healthcare professional before using this orthosis.

The Knee Orthosis TE-1045 No 467 is typically constructed using a combination of durable and lightweight materials, such as neoprene, nylon straps, and metal or plastic components. The specific composition may vary based on the manufacturer’s design.

1. Carefully read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for proper usage and adjustment of the knee orthosis.
2. Ensure the affected leg is clean and dry before applying the orthosis.
3. Open the orthosis and position it around the knee joint, aligning the hinges or support structures according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
4. Secure the orthosis in place using the adjustable straps or closures, ensuring a snug and comfortable fit.
5. Check that the orthosis does not restrict circulation or cause discomfort. Make any necessary adjustments for optimal support and comfort.
6. Follow the recommended wearing schedule provided by your healthcare professional, and gradually increase the duration of use as advised during the rehabilitation process.
7. If experiencing any discomfort, pain, or adverse reactions while wearing the orthosis, consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance.